Thursday, February 17, 2011


We had our pre-wedding photo shoot

last night and it went beautifully.

Pras is a natural and I just 

followed his lead, hehe!

The photographer said it was his

"favourite pre-wedding shoot ever"

This is a sneaky preview

but I dont want to give to much away

as we are intending on using some

for our invitations. x


  1. How gorgeous, may your marriage always be filled with moments like this. You look great together. Keep working at it.
    XX Mum

  2. I am going to cry!!! because I am very happy.Wait till i show it to ammi.

  3. Hiprassy marnie
    you both looks very very pretty.
    nirosha and my self going have excitting
    shopping very soon to choice some wonderful
    pearl necklace.AFTER WE choice we will send
    you picture we think you will like it.Give
    our love to every one.

  4. Thank you so much, we had a lot of fun doing it and and now can't wait for the real thing!
    Thank you for going shopping Ammi and Nirosha I am sure that you will choose something beautiful and I'm positive I will love it! x

  5. Dear Marnei, Prassy, Ammi, Nirosha & Sagara Putha and the bays

    Happy dad from Doha, running out of patience waiting for your big day of cellibrations,
    with blessings of Triple Gem for all !
    Lots of Love from Thathi

  6. Hi Thathi
    How are you? It must be very quiet in Doha without Ammi.
    We are madly planning and so looking forward to having you all here together in September.
    Take care, we will see you soon.
    Love from Marnie and Pras and the boys xxx
